
Our Director, Lora Wright

Lora Wright came to us in 2017, after 26 years in Sweet Adelines, from a family deeply rooted in barbershop.  She sings tenor most of the time, but has sung Lead and Baritone in choruses and quartets. Lora was a member of the Heart of Illinois Chorus for many years, until the region asked her to direct the Quad City Chorus. She was the region’s Young Women in Harmony Coordinator for 4 years, served as Communications Coordinator on the Regional Management Team in our previous Region 5, and currently serves Region 3 as Director Coordinator and Director Certification Coordinator. She has sung in many quartets, competing with Limelight at the International level after winning the Region 5 contest.  She currently sings with Great Day Quartet in Harmony Inc..   She has sung with Heart of Illinois, Quad Cities, Metro Mix and St. Louis Harmony Sweet Adeline Choruses, and St. Louis Vocal Project in Harmony Inc. all while living in Galesburg, IL.



Our Assistant Director

Vivian Gerrietts

VIvian Gerriett provides years of experience as a musician as well as our Assistant Director of the Heart of Illinois Chorus.  We are blessed with with her musical talent, as well as how she is always ready and willing to take a rehearsal or performance in the absence of our Director. She directs songs on shows and performances.  She helps with vocal instruction, vocal skill-building, and shares what she has learned about our craft with the chorus.


Music Team

Mission Statement of the Music Team: “To support the musical product by leading, teaching, and inspiring our sections. To help individual members recognize and celebrate their personal contributions to the chorus.”

Our Music Team is made up of experienced members from each of the four voice parts.  This team helps select the music we sing.  These ladies oversee the success of their voice-part or section.  As section leaders, they provide song feedback to each individual member, so we can each have something to work on, making us the best singers we can possibly be.  Did you miss a rehearsal?  We hate to see that, but you are encouraged to contact your section leader to make sure you are up to speed before the next rehearsal.  Remember that we record rehearsals on our private Facebook page for HOI Chorus Rehearsals.


Management Team

Team Manager- Lois Hanley

Financial Manager - Gayla Scott

Internal Communications Manager - Theresa Schlosser

Musical Director - Lora Wright

Membership Manager - Mary Overholt

Marketing Manager - Netty Abatayo

Administrative Manager - June Fredell